Products from Chili-Food-Wissen

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Polsterstauden_1.jpg Flowring Cushion Perennials
Cushion perennials grow compactly, flower profusely and transform the garden into a sea of colourful cushions over the years. They originate from the alpine mountain regions...
Kuerbis_anbauen_1.jpg Growing Squash & Pumpkin
How to grow squash and pumpkins in your garden Squashes have experienced a renaissance in recent years. They have even made their way onto the menus of gourmet restaurants....
Bienenfreundlicher_Balkon_1.jpg Bee-friendly Balcony
How to support biodiversity and wild bees on the balcony Not everyone has a garden where they can protect and support bees and butterflies, but "only" a balcony. But here,...
Buschbohnen_anbauen_1.jpg Growing Bush Beans
How to plant bush beans in your garden Bush beans grow rather compactly and therefore do not require poles for support. They are quite easy to grow, but are particularly...
Mais_aus_dem_Garten_1.jpg Sweetcorn from the garden
Sweetcorn / Maize in the garden - this is how to grow it Maize is an old crop from Mexico and is related to the other cereals, but grows up to 3 metres tall. It is therefore...
Bienenfreundlicher_Garten_1.jpg Bee-friendly Gardening
Wild Bees in the Garden Besides the well-known honey bees, wild bees are also very useful in the garden. There are 585 species in Germany, most of which are now endangered...
Wasser_fuer_Insekten_Voegel_und_Co_1.jpg Watering station for Insects and Birds
According to the Red List, every third species of wild bee living in Germany is endangered or threatened with extinction, such as the dyke bumblebee or the winged cone bee....
Schafgarbe_Staude_des_Jahres_2021_1.jpg Yarrow - Perennial of the Year 2021
Undemanding beauty with great healing power In 2004, yarrow was already named medicinal plant of the year in Germany. In 2021, the Association of German Perennial Gardeners...
Kapuzinerkresse_anbauen_1.jpg Growing Nasturtium
How to plant grow, and care for nasturtiums Nasturtiums are divided into trailing or climbing types (Tropaeolum majus), bush types (T. Minus), and the mexican type (T....
Auberginen_spaet_auspflanzen_1.jpg Growing Eggplants from Seeds
How to grow aubergines / eggplants from seeds If you have already successfully grown chillies, bell peppers and tomatoes, you can also try your hand at eggplants. These...
Schmuckkoerbchen_Cosmea_saeen_1.jpg How to grow cosmos
How to grow Cosmos Cosmos are easy to grow from seeds, if they are located on a sunny spot. They form a cloud of color that not only looks attractive throughout the summer...
Brokkoli_selbst_anbauen_1.jpg Growing Broccoli Plants
Tips for growing broccoli in the garden Broccoli is so rewarding to grow because it continues to send up side shoots for weeks, after you harvest the main head, giving you a...
Problem_Abfallende_Chili_Blueten_1.jpg Problem: Chili Plant Flower Drop
What to Do When Your Pepper Drops the Flower Bud It can happen that your carefully nurtured chilli plants lose their blossoms without any fruit (chillies) forming. It is...
Der_Garten_im_Mai_1.jpg Gardening in May
Finally it is here, the merry month of May - warmth is back and everything is growing and blooming. The garden turns green and flourishes. Now is the time to put all the...
Zweijaehrige_Sommerblumen_1.jpg Biennial Summer Flowers
Unrecognised beauties: biennial summer flowers Buy seeds in July /August and grow! Late summer in July / August (and in warm areas like the Rhine Valley even until...
Der_Garten_im_November_1.jpg Gardening in November
As autumn turns to winter, your main jobs in the garden are mostly about protecting plants from the wilder weather to come. If you have not yet brought in your...
Der_Garten_im_Oktober_1.jpg Gardening in October
In the harvested beds you can now remove, clean and store everything that is no longer needed: Tomato and bean poles or the trellises for peas and pumpkins. Remove the root...
Der_Garten_im_September_1.jpg Gardening in September
Main focus in September is on harvesting and preserving the garden treasures. Tomatoes, peppers, chillies, runner beans, pears, grapes, plums, nuts, the last cucumbers and...
Brennnesseljauche_1.jpg Nettle Liquid Manure
How to make your own nettle liquid manure Nettle Manure is an organic and free plant/soil feed which can be easily made in any garden, all you need is some young nettles...
Der_Garten_im_August_1.jpg Gardening in August
August is harvest time . Tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, onions, potatoes, berries, plums, peaches, everything seems to be ripe at the same time. Now is also the time to...
Starkzehrer_Mittelzehrer_und_Schwachzehrer_die_Fruchtfolge_im_Garten_1.jpg Heavy feeders and light feeders and crop rotation
In the vegetable garden, crop rotation plays an important role. Crop rotation means moving vegetables around the garden to maintain soil fertility. By rotating crops from one...
Der_Garten_im_Juli_1.jpg Gardening in July
In July the spring vegetables have already been harvested and if you want to sow new vegetables now, you should loosen the soil deeply and then supply it with organic...
Der_Garten_im_Juni_1.jpg Gardening in June
Now the last frosty nights are over. Therefore all the plants that have been grown indoors now get their place in the bed in June at the latest. Make sure that you add...
Der_Garten_im_April_1.jpg Gardening in April
In April you get that spring feeling - everything is sprouting, growing, greening and there is a lot to do in the garden. The freshly sown beds need to be regularly cleared...
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